2022 – 2024
2020 – 2022
2020 – 2022



other rules

other rules

product design
user experience
competitor analysis
concept creation
Tele2, a mobile carrier serving over 18 million users in Russia, recognized a growing gap between their user experience and the competition. Customers were struggling with

a cluttered interface and fragmented information architecture, making it difficult to find essential details about their plans, finances, and services. This frustration was

impacting user engagement and overall satisfaction.
As the Lead Product Designer, I spearheaded a comprehensive redesign to bridge this gap. I led a team of researchers to delve into user personas, analyse customer feedback, and study competitor offerings. This deep dive allowed us to pinpoint key pain points

and identify opportunities for improvement
Visual overload results from diverse shapes, text styles, colors, and graphic accents like bright images, exacerbated by outdated design patterns unsuitable for modern applications
The challenge lies in the lack of easy access to critical information. Users must take additional steps to meet their information needs
The absence of a user-centered interface
All of these improvements are expected to increase key business metrics such as CSI, NPS, task completion time, and user retention
Phase 1: Analyze user personas and needs
This includes creating profiles of typical users, taking into account factors such as goals, pain points, and expectations
Phase 2: Analyze Current Feedback
This involves reviewing customer feedback, support tickets, and analytics to identify recurring issues and areas for improvement
Phase 3: Analyze Competitors
This involves studying competitors' mobile apps, identifying strengths and weaknesses and understanding resonant features
Phase 4: Design
Based on the insights from the user personas, current feedback, and competitive analysis, proceed to design
I worked with the product owner and business analysts and used insights from 

customer journey analysis to understand the different needs of Michael, Nicole,

and David. This gave me a clearer understanding of how to improve the app,

taking into account all aspects of usage
I worked with the product owner and business analysts and used insights from customer journey analysis to understand the different needs of Michael, Nicole, and David. This gave me a clearer understanding of how to improve the app, taking into account all aspects of usage
As the lead product designer, I oversaw the entire research process and led

a team of two analysts. I proposed the research steps and specified exactly

what we would be studying from our competitors.
As the lead product designer, I oversaw the entire research process and led a team of two analysts. I proposed the research steps and specified exactly

what we would be studying from our competitors.
As a team, we immersed ourselves in the five most popular mobile applications

on the Russian market. Throughout the research, we immersed ourselves

in every aspect of the product
As a team, we immersed ourselves in the five most popular mobile applications on the Russian market. Throughout the research, we immersed ourselves in every aspect of the product
The result of our research included detailed process descriptions

of the applications for the five products and a presentation of the findings to the company's top executives. The top product managers acknowledged that the product analyst and I had delivered one of the most comprehensive and effective competitor presentations to date.
Crucially, we introduced a user profile concept, consolidating

all user-specific products, options and settings to create

a user-centric interface
Added a search feature and voice assistant for faster navigation, especially for advanced users seeking quick access
The main card is now divided into meaningful blocks, such as balance,

tariff balances, and profile, ensuring simplicity without sacrificing

information and reducing cognitive load
Tariff balances are enhanced with graphical elements that not only

improve the aesthetics of the interface, but also help users quickly

assess the status of their balances
Creating a separate tab for special offers and services allows

users to see all offers in one space, enabling them to explore

everything at once
Introduced a user profile concept to ensure the user
was at the center of the product
Introduced a user profile concept to ensure the user was at the center of the product
Introduced a search feature and voice assistant for efficient navigation,
and provided direct access to key sections on the home page
Introduced a search feature and voice assistant for efficient navigation, and provided direct access to key sections on the home page
Divided the main map into meaningful blocks, ensuring simplicity
of interface without sacrificing information
Divided the main map into meaningful blocks, ensuring simplicity of interface without sacrificing information
Provided direct access to tariff plans, financials, and services

on the main page, and introduced a dedicated tab for special offers
Provided direct access to tariff plans, financials, and services on the main page, and introduced a dedicated tab for special offers
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